Two different surveys just came out that looked into what moms REALLY want for Mother's Day. Apparently women really do love getting flowers, a card, or anything sentimental, because all three of those things made the top five on both lists.
A survey by found the top ten things moms want this year are:
- flowers
- spa day
- a card
- day to themselves
- something sentimental
- day with no chores
- jewelry
- something homemade
- candy
- clothes
Only 1% of women in the survey said electronics are the #1 thing they want.
The second survey by Groupon found the top things moms want are:
- a nice meal at a restaurant
- flowers
- a card
- something their child made them
- something sentimental
- perfume
- jewelry
- clothes
- massage
- spa package
The first survey also looked at WHO we're giving presents to - 65% of adults plan to give at least one woman in their life a gift this year:
- 43% of us will buy something for our mom
- Our wife or partner is next at 18%
- Then mother-in-law - 13%
- sister - 7%
- grandmother - 6%
- friend - 4%
- another relative like an aunt, also 4%.