A 26-year-old British woman who goes by the name "Jasmin" took part in the disturbing but growing trend of selling her VIRGINITY online. 

She advertised her offer on a German website called Cinderella Escorts, and the winning bidder paid 1.2 million Euros, which is almost $1.5 million.  And according to the not-always-reliable British tabloids, that bidder is a "HOLLYWOOD ACTOR".

Nobody's saying who it is . . . (Even though you know damn well we're ALL thinking "Charlie Sheen") . . . but the hookup will supposedly take place at a German hotel sometime in April.

Jasmin has a doctor's certificate guaranteeing her virginity, but the "Hollywood Actor" has a right to bring his OWN doctor to verify it before the encounter.  (This just keeps getting grosser and grosser, doesn't it?)

On the website, Jasmin said, quote, "I really respect ladies who are traditional and want to wait for sex after marriage.  I was one of them.  I really wanted to wait for the right one. But I don't want to wait any longer.  I am sure about my decision."

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