The story of Lucky Whitehead’s missing dog has come to a happy end.
The Cowboys receiver posted a video of his dog, Blitz, on Snapchat early Tuesday morning. “Look who made it home safely!!!,” he wrote. “THANKS EVERYONE.”
"While out of town, Blitz was being taken care of by a close friend at my house and someone broke in and took him. Whomever stole Blitz has contacted my phone numerous times, demanding ransom money,” he wrote. “I strongly advise you to stop and return my boy safely before it gets any worse!”
Later that day, a rapper named Boogotti Kasino went on social media to declare that he didn’t steal Blitz but had asked Whitehead for the money that he paid someone else for the dog. “All I’m asking for is my money back,” he said. Below, video of him returning the dog