Next time you buy bananas at the grocery store, look very, very closely at them. But be warned, if you're as unlucky as Gemma Price, you're going to have to evacuate your home for days.
The woman from Ireland had a close call with deadly Brazilian Wandering Spiders that had gotten into her house thanks to recently bought bananas. "As I peeled the banana a white egg sac, which I hadn’t noticed before, broke and hundreds of little spiders were crawling on my hands and arms and down my pajamas," Price remembers. "I threw the banana down on the bed and they spread everywhere."
She grabbed her seven-month-old son and booked it out of there. It took three days for a specialist to come in and kill all the deadly arachnids.
The video below is a different person, but same problem....apparently spiders like to nest on bananas, and this is what they look like